This story angers me so deep to my core that my comments are gonna have to be kept short. The Post Standard has an article up about none other than Patty Ritchie reading THE LORAX to elementary school students. I remember being forced to read that book when I was a kid and let mke tell you it is all about environmental socialism. Its the most anti-capitalist, pro-every one that makes money off the land is a crooked thief piece of socialist garbage. That fruit Dr. Suess has already ruined my generation with his prescious feelings about saving the trees and teddyy bears from resourceful men looking to create wealth for themselves and by extension society.
Why on earth would Patty Ritchie be promoting such an anti-Upstate, pro-hug eacch other and live off of love and feelings message to kids who don't know any better. But for some reason she is doing it. Is Patty Ritchie an enviro-communist? Is her next move going to be to force big wind on us and tell our children that we are bad people because we don't want to ruin our skyline? That's what the last guy did and it got him nowhere!
When Andrew Cuomo raises taxes on gasoline or requires gas companies to add more engine destroying ethanol to their gasoline so that the trees will breath better, is she going to be a rubber stamp? Get your priorities straight, dammit. You were elected as a Conservative and you were endorsed by the Taxpayers. Last time I heard neither group where fans of the socio-environ-fascist-NYC-hand-job-Tree-hugging cabal of people that wouldn't know work if you called it food stamps and peace signs.
For those interested here is green eggs and ham herself ruining your children for you
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