I was upset to read this article this morning: http://www.valleynewsonline.com/viewnews.php?newsid=86774&id=1. If you didn't read it, it's about how the county government has been wrongly using parking permits that the city gave them. According to the article they are only suposed to be used by legislators during the meetings so they can get down to business without interuption. And of course it turns out that someone over there decided to just give the permits out to everyone in the building.
This is unfair to every person who gets ticketed by that miserable metermaid for parking 5 minutes too long at the library or downtown and has to pay the $50 fine or whatever it is. This is the type of screw it to the taxpayer nonsense I expect from the public unions and party bosses that run our county government, but not what I would expect from commonsense taxpayer advocate number one Patty Ritchie and her fine staff. It shocks me to the bone that someone that we have put so much faith in to cut the corruption at taxpayer expense, who ran as a TRUE Conservative and was endorsed by the conservative AND Taxpayer parties would allow her employees to abuse our trust like this. Government employees shouldnt be exempt from the rules the should be held to the rules under the strictest standards be cause they are the ones who make them.
How can we trust Patty Ritchie to now to stand up for the little guy small business owner when she is looking the other way while the City hammers us down with fees and fines while her own staff is running around doing as they please. Did she hire these people from the party boss hierarchy that built a system on the backs of the taxpayers to profit themselves. I'm certainly no democrat, but no conservative in this county has ever trusted the Republican machine to do what's right. Patty was different, she wasn't hand picked by the County Party to take they seat liek they have always done with the Barclays, she earned her spot by knocking on doors and talking to the Real working people. Now she has cast all of our trust aside and is feeding off the tits of the Republican machine. I now remember over the winter when she appointed this Holly Carpenter woman to run her local staff that she had voted to lower her own taxes when she was in government in Fulton while everyone else's taxes rose. What are we to do now? Our representative has sold out and I fear that if she doesn't set this right she will never come back as a REAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TAXPAYERS, she'll be all regal like Jim Wright, Darrel or the Barclays and spend her days in Albany on her thrown telling us what we can and can't do.
Please Patty Ritchie make your employees pay the fines and fire that wench Holly Carpenter!
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